06 September 2015


Mahu tulis ringkas tentang ini. Human Livestock Interaction, yang kami pelajari dalam kelas Farm Animal, subjek elektif semester ini.

Awal-awal lagi diberitahu,
" A significant relationship exists between the personality of the stockperson and the productivity of the herd."

Rewarding experiences.

" Working with animals may provide stockpeople with benefits such as companionship and a commitment and interest that offers both responsibility and a sense of satisfaction for the health and welfare of lives other than their own and their families."

" Satisfying desire may occur at the expense of satisfying some serious needs."


Catatan tergantung.
Dibiar tergantung. Haha


Anonymous said...

kenapa tergantung ?

zikri said...

Tak ingat nak tulis apa. Jumpa benda ni dalam buku nota lama