14 May 2011

selamat exam kawan-kawan.

Because the direction of repolarization is exactly opposite, it is from the outside, that is why T wave appears positive.
But why repolarization happens from outside to inside?
As we know within the plateau we have the contraction, and the repolarization happens after the plateau, and during part of the repolarization we have some contraction.
The blood vessels are constricted so there will be enough wash out of the ions to go back to the normal, that is why the outside ( epicardium ) doesn't have as more contraction as the inside, the wash out easy in the outside but not in the inside so the repolarization starts from the outside and the T wave will appear positive.


Tampak di luar orang mungkin pantas melupakan, tapi di dalam bukan semudah itu.

memaafkan dan melupakan.
meninggalkan dan melupakan.
melupakan dan melupakan.

but on certain things, we definitely should start somewhere. somehow.


Irbid diselimuti exams.
'Final' sebelum balik Malaysia.
Hati bukan ada dua. Tumpu.
( Yaya tunggu dulu )

Mohon doa semua.


Anonymous said...

Part 'hati bukan ada dua' sangatttttttttttttt like!

Ya Allah, mudahkanlah~

nurhidayah said...

selamat exam org jordan semua.(ini monolog utk diri sendiri juga)

Aishah Nur Hakim said...

tak faham "easy in the outside but not in the outside" tu.

oh being me,
bukannya pernah faham apa2.


nurhidayah said...

laila ni kak aishah kn?

mntk maaf empunya blog.

Anonymous said...

eh tak, kak aishah bukan laila, di repunzel. eh tak maryam lah.

eh tak jugak

har har har

kakashi said...

musim exam adalah musim zombi dan panda

selamat ber-kak-limah!!

-org yg kehilangan tulang belakang. adess

tepianmuara said...





yup yup, untuk cik hidayah juga. saya tolong jawabkan lah, memang kak aishah la tu, no other.


haih, pengaruh novel, nama macam2. wonder what's next.

ya, ya, saya salah salin. ampunnn.

tak habis nyakat. haha


Anonymous said...

alamak, soalan physio lah!

tapi sayang, aku tak baca plak part outside(epicardium).

ilang satu markah.